

Dale works for  the Boss from Hell.  To survive she created particular strategies.

She would arrive spot on time.  She would sign in because as a way to demean her, he demanded she sign in and sign out.

Dale was a professional, just as qualified as Mike.  But because Mike is a BfH he needed to denigrate her.

One must understand, when dealing with an Abusive Person, that the behaviour evidenced comes out a virtual compulsion.   It is not logical, it is not a kind of amorphous anger or annoyance, it is a virtual physical need to demean persons considered equals or superiors.

As Dale was aware of his need, she did not confront him when he put that ‘register’ at the front, she made a ceremony out of it, smiling away, writing her name with a flourish.

This aggravated Mike, for she was not reacting as he wanted her to.  She was not responding to his abuse.  She was taking it as a joke.

She was taking him and his rules as the behaviour of a clown.

After her signing in performance she would go to her desk, and as if suffering OCD, would spend thirty minutes setting up.

She kept her face serious, knowing he would be peeping at her from some corner.

After the timed thirty minutes, Dale would then go to the bathroom for fifteen minutes, exactly.

She had created her ‘time sequences’  so that every day she followed her protocols as if a zombie.   Mike didn’t know how he was to deal with that, so didn’t say or do anything.

As Dale expected.

She would then goto her desk and take thirty minutes to ‘set up’.   After a timedthirty minutes, Dale would go to the bathroom for fifteen minutes.  With forty five minutes gone, she would appear to begin work. Appear, for she would actually be doing nothing work related.  Onehour after entrance Dale began work. She would say; ‘seven’ as shestarted to signify there were seven more hours to go.  On thecomputer, Dale would bring up something she had previously done buther Boss From Hell had not asked for.  Then, she would beginsomething new.  She would work on the new document for one hour then,say ‘six’ and rise to grab a thirty minute break.   Throughout theday, she was on her ‘time’ clock, to insure that she worked onlythree out of the eight.  With one hour for lunch having not workedfor one hour from entrance, leaving six hours, she carefully timedherself.   If he called her to his office to lecture, she would sitin a

submissive pose,enjoying his assistance in chipping minutes from her day.   She wouldcomplete her three hours of actual work thirty minutes beforequitting.   During this thirty minutes, she would erase her history,run various virus checks and leave.  She made sure to work no morethan three hours a day.   This is how she survived.


What do you think?

Written by jaylar