
Inside the Capsule – 25

With ‘escape’ a few weeks away, Millie did another tour of the shopping plaza, and had one of her City friends investigate the purchase of a brownstone.

Her husband, Sam, was relishing his ‘boss’ role, wondering if he’d be promoted when he returned to the City.   He had saved so much money it was amazing.   He never realised how much he spent on water, light, gas, rent.

When Millie told him of the Brownstone, he was ecstatic.   It was decided that Millie would drive down  and if it was as they thought, she had a check book.

Although excited about the possibilities of the house,  their daughter, Margaret, put that on  delay, and went into super study mode.

Millie left that night,  driving until daylight.  She contacted her friend at 7 am and they went to view the property.

She took photos on her phone, but knew this was it, and made the deal.


What do you think?

Written by jaylar