
The Pros and Cons of Autopay

Autopay means automatic withdrawals from your bank account to pay your bills. It’s a very convenient service but it has its pros and cons too.

Pros of Autopay

  • Bills are automatically paid on time and so there are no late payments.
  • Timely payment of bills means no late fee charges.
  • You don’t have to write any checks or wait in queues to submit the bills.
  • It saves time and is convenient.
  • You don’t have to worry about paying the bills or remembering the due dates.

Cons of Autopay

  • You don’t check the bills for undue charges, if there are any and you might end up paying more.
  • You lose track of how much you are paying.

But all said and done, autopay is a convenient facility but at the same time, you should periodically check your bills too.


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Written by swalia

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