
The Other Side of Luck – Evin – 2

Ervin got the post.    He reproved himself for being a tad uncertain when he saw the quality of candidate he was up against.  After all, Daddy’s clout was greater than qualifications or experience..

He got the post,  had the whole photo shoot and presentations, and entered his office.

Ervin had no intention of coming in before ten or staying beyond three, unless there was some kind of party or interview or the visit of a major personality.

He wasn’t sure what the job entailed, but the salary was huge.   The car allowance allowed him to buy a top vehicle without interest payments.

Life was easy, and he enjoyed all the various perqs and parties.

He signed what he was told to sign, said what he was told to say.

He had fancy business lunches, attended all sorts of prestigious dinners.

Work?  That was done by civil servants and consultants and aides that were hired for the purpose.


What do you think?

Written by jaylar