To clean up the mess, (or prevent it from happening or getting worse) managers/owners have to be aware when there is employee dissatisfaction. This runs a close second to customer dissatisfaction.
The Boss From Hell creates unworkers. Hence, the first focus is on the immediate supervisor, and then the one above that person.
Many good employees are transformed into unworkers by the Boss from Hell. Make sure you have no one like that on your staff.
Make sure, that it is not you.
Don’t think your employees are loyal or like you, for that may be your downfall. Find out.
Getting a ‘spy’ into the lowest ranks who shares the experiences of the others is a good way to gauge how your employees really feel.
This isn’t the childish; “I don’t like you,” and your reaction should not be in that parameter.
If it isn’t you who is causing the dissatisfaction the spy should be able to find out who it is. A quiet discharge, transfer, whatever, is necessary. The BfH can NEVER be returned to the capacity previously held. The employees will not accept that he’s changed.
Whomever has provoked the hatred pays for it.