
How To Increase The Average Transaction Value For Your Online Store

E-commerce is the future. Today, everyone is all about online shopping and internet marketing. If you are in the e-commerce industry, you own the future. However, you must also be affiliated with a lot of tips that you need to incorporate in your e-commerce business. Marketing for an e-commerce website varies highly from marketing for other businesses online.

One of the best ways to increase your sales online to increase the average order value. What this means is that if you have a customer purchasing 1.5 products per check out, can you make it 2 products per check out?

Coming up with strategies to increase order value can have a huge influence on your sales.

Give great product recommendations

If your visitor is coming to your website and looking at a product, do you think there are any other products you can recommend them? Now there will be dozens of products on your website. How do you decide which product to show them? One of the ways you can pick your product recommendation is to show products based on the products the visitor is already viewing.

Let’s say that your website has 10 categories. Someone who is looking products in the grocery section may not be interested in viewing products in the sports section. So someone who is looking at a sports product like a bat, what product do you think will go well with it? A ball! Someone who is looking at iphones may also choose to buy iphone covers. So pick the right products. Make sure that you add product description. Another thing that you can do is to re-target these people by email marketing. In the niche they either viewed or purchased products, you can send them emails suggesting similar products. Include coupons.

Create discounts for order minimums

You can create all sorts of order minimums. You may offer a 5 dollar discount on every 50 dollar purchase. You could offer a gift coupon on a 100 dollar purchase. What this does is to push people to order more than they expected to. If you have an order minimum for 500 dollars and they are purchasing products worth of 470 dollars, they might add in 30 dollars to reach that order minimum. Make sure to show these order minimum offers on your website everywhere.

Create product bundles

What order bundles do is to combine products that users might want to purchase while also pitching in a few they would not buy otherwise. However, what you need to make sure is that these products are relevant. So you could bundle socks, belts and shoes. You could create t-shirt bundles. Make sure to highlight these order bundles on your website. Show people who they did save some bucks if they opt for this bundle as compared to individual products.

Design a nice product care pack

When you either ship your product or confirm order online, a care pack can help increase sales. So design a list of products that go well with the product your customer just purchased. Add descriptions to inform the customer. May be throw in a couple of coupons so if the customer decides to come back, they have some incentive as well.

Hire a sales person

A sales person may seem like a lot of money at first, but they can be a huge assistance for your business. You can keep this sales person to make calls, send out emails and ask for follow ups on the products people are purchasing from you. This means that he or she can make calls and further give people recommendations on products. They should also ask them to leave a product review on your website if the customer liked the product. Product reviews are great in driving sales.

It shows how much the product is trustable by other people who have purchased it. Likewise, the sales person can handle a live chat section for your website. Live chat will help answer people’s questions and assist them in the buying process. This can drive more sales immediately.

Create a loyalty program

You can create a list of all people who have been purchasing from you. Since they are your loyal customers, you can maybe send out an email to them with a coupon. Most e-commerce websites have loyalty programs in terms of apps and website programs.

Dial in your campaigns

Going back to your past customers is a great way to keep the sales coming. Make sure that you have an email marketing strategy. What this means is that you need a program that shows how often and what sort of recommendations you will be sending out to your customers. Likewise, what you can do is to start re-targeting. People who have purchased with you in the past has a chance of purchasing with you again. Show them recommendations based on their previous viewing and purchases.

Leverage social media

Social media is a huge tool in today’s marketing strategy. This means that you will need to leverage social media. Whether you are trying to sell any products or leverage a certain product bundle, social media can be your place to highlight these products. Try to count social media popularity of the posts by using prepostseo social media counter tool. Keep check and balance how much your page is being shred on social media.



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Written by Asad Shehzad

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