
Does AI & Machine Learning Transform The Role Of Human Resource?

The human industry is facing a drastic change in recent years by the execution of different types of technologies. These technologies and innovations help HR professionals and make the recruiting process more efficient as it was never before. Artificial Intelligence (AI) and Machine Learning (ML) are no longer hot topics and an integral part of the future workplace.

AI is already reshaping the world, and the primary object of it is to bring humans and machines together. It would be exciting, and it is used to automate business operations, enhance productivity, and reduce prejudice among the things.

As a famous management consulting company, McKinsey predicts that the effect of AI on the global economy would generate $13 trillion across the globe by 2030. However, many companies are still facing the issue, but in the field of human resources, AI and ML are already paving its way and helping HR professionals to hire the best talent in the competitive job market.

Along with the hiring process, the HR field is already using AI and ML in multiple ways, such as training, onboarding, measuring performance, and many more. These new changes might take time, but it is an incredible way to enhance productivity, and it reduces costs.

The Impact Of Machine Learning In HR

These days, HR is not a vague concept anymore; the role and functions of HR professionals are changing due to new technologies and inventions. We are living in a technological decade, and long ago, HR used to be finding the candidates, assessing them, and giving offers based on their past work and academic performance.

But now the time has changed, and expectations have risen. The HR department should be able to predict and analyze the strengths and weaknesses of the candidate.

Here machine learning helps you, and you can gather, manage, and store the data accurately. As it saves time, and you can update the data based on the circumstances.

AI & ML Is Going To Impact HR In Below Four Areas Most Like-

  • Experience assessment
  • Revamp recruitment
  • Training and development
  • Performance analytics

Undoubtedly, there are lots of advantages companies will get from the implementation of AI in the human resource field. Not only human resources but other major sectors such as the insurance sector, food delivery app development companies also use machine learning technologies to develop smart web apps.

The core task of using AI and ML in HR is to utilize data based on the suggestions and provide the best solution to solve expected problems. Hence, HR professionals can develop HRM policies based on smart data. So let’s see how AI and ML are changing the HR scenario and becoming more productive than before.

Talent Acquisition

First and foremost, an important task of an HR professional is to recruit candidates based on talent. Machine learning can ease this process and helps you to analyze social media profiles and other personal profiles of a candidate that might not be mentioned on the resume.

This process is automatic and saves a lot of time so that the hiring process would be much easier, not tedious. Moreover, virtual assistants can cross-check the data and help the recruiter to assess skills. Additionally, you can also use software solutions because it represents the data without any bias.

Apart from this, integrating Chatbots in the recruitment process can reduce the costs; you can stimulate the selection process, and you can measure a candidate’s performance automatically.

Furthermore, HR professionals can measure the performance of the new candidate not only in terms of hiring and training but also relating to the candidate’s ability and skills to learn the new tasks.

Eliminate Discriminatory Hiring

A Human Resources Professional Association survey stated that no matter how employers try to be neutral, they may make decisions in favor of those candidates who are most like them. It is called discrimination in hiring.

Famous author Jack Nasher wrote that things like physical appearance attract recruiters, and they make decisions based on that.

On the other hand, AI and ML help to eliminate this bias and use smart data and give rank to candidates based on the need of employers and represents smart insights beyond the resume.


The use of AI and ML in the field of HR reduces human bias and automates the process. In short, you can sum up that the use of AI in a domain like HR can only offer you benefits as it avoids repetitive and mundane tasks.

As a result, HR professionals can concentrate on other core activities of the company and increase efficiency by leaps and bounds. AI and ML have the power to present real insights into your business, whether it is forecasting your ROI, employee performance level, or problems related to management.

These technologies have solutions and enhance decision-making processes. Thus HR teams should implement advanced technologies to understand the power of robots in employee management activities.


What do you think?

Written by Shady Johnson

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