When you were a child, your parents would tell you to aspire for greatness. They would tell you to reach for the highest heights. They would encourage you to “shoot for the moon” unless your parents were dillweeds.
Now, the big pharmaceutical company known as Bayer can no longer “shoot for the moon” because Bayer sold their conference center located in Moon, PA. Bayer sold the Baywood Conference Center to an undisclosed buyer. The center sits on a wonderful spread of 35.5 acres.
The reason why Bayer is selling some of their assets is due to them making the worst business decision of the 21st century. Two years ago, Bayer bought Monsanto for $63 billion (USD). In these two years, the net worth of Bayer has dropped by fifty percent. Their stock has gone from $30 per share to $16.77 since the sale was completed.
Instead of shooting for the moon, Bayer shot for mediocrity due to billions of dollars Monsanto lost due to RoundUp litigation.