
And Comes the Fourth Generation – part 64

When the Board of Directors which ‘managed’ Miriam House considered their yearly finances, they could not but revisit last year’s debacle.

Courtesy of the then President, (now Vice President) Paul Mollusk, a chunk of this year’s budget was eaten.

They were in bad financial shape.

Considering how incompetent and careless they were, this was near an Epiphany.

The money wasted on Selma, who did nothing but used a lot of water, electricity, and gas, had dug a deep hole. The use of the premises by her son and brother as an all inclusive hotel, increased the cost.

In April, the bill had been one third less than it was in July.

It took time for them to realise that they had no money to hire another Matron right now.  Fran Alman would do two jobs.


What do you think?

Written by jaylar