The work of archaeologists is critically important to our understanding of our species and culture. These scientists spend countless hours studying and excavating finds from the ground to learn more about what previous cultures and generations did, how they lived, and how their contributions to society have shaped it as it stands today. Their work is rewarding for both themselves and those who learn from their finds, but it can also be difficult and strenuous.
Aerial Photography – Seeing from New Perspectives
One way that modern archaeologists see more in less time – and gain a new perspective in the process – is by utilizing aerial photography. Taking photos from the air gives wider shots that offer more complete pictures of the areas where archaeologists are digging. Oftentimes, this can deliver a better understanding of the culture or area being studied.
How are Aerial Shots Captured?
There are several ways to approach the task of taking aerial photos of an archaeological dig site. Some of the most common include:
- Helicopters
- Parasailing crafts
- Fixed wing aircrafts
- Balloons, both manned and unmanned
Each of these is typically flown by the photographer or their team, but many can also be operated remotely from the ground. This allows for more daring shots than might be safe for a manned craft and allows the photographer to focus their full attention on getting the shots they want, rather than controlling their aircraft.
Digging Deeper
It may seem at first glance like the only benefit of using aerial photography for archaeological digs is that you are able to see large areas from a high vantage point – seeing more of the earth’s surface at once. While this is definitely a benefit, it’s not the only reason for partnering with Houston aerial photography providers. Seeing more and better underground is also an advantage.
How can this be? Because today’s archaeologists rely heavily on digital imaging. The devices used to capture this imagery can penetrate the ground to produce accurate, detailed images of what lies below. Nowhere is this technology more at home than affixed to an aircraft that is specifically designed for capturing wide-angle images from above the sites of archaeological digs.
Producing these images doesn’t just allow for a better study and understanding of the area being captured. It also helps in the process of mapping these areas, offering accurate information for future generations of diggers and students of the archaeological sciences. Using these maps can help these scientists connect the dots between ancient, forgotten civilizations and cultures to create a better picture of how we arrived at life as we know it today.
If you’re interested in learning more about using aerial photography for the purposes of archaeological study, contact your local Houston aerial photography provider. By speaking with a professional, you can improve your understanding of how aerial photography impacts our current culture and knowledge of those past – as well as how it might be applicable to the things your company is currently doing. Whether you’re looking to promote something new or learn about something old, aerial photography is a great way to handle it all.
only if helicopters are not expensive… it would be really nice. but true it is nice.