Friday, 10.1.21
After feeding Gumby early in the morning, I went to bed and woke up at 11am. I quickly changed my clothes because I needed to go to the post office.
Yesterday night, when I returned home from a UCI concert, I checked my mailbox to notice a bill in the mail. I never receive this bill, this late. It usually comes earlier. Here we go again with the politics in the post office with corporations. I know this bill is due today because I usually receive it a week or two earlier. It will likely arrive late to their office. I walked to the small post office in my neighborhood and mailed it. The post office was quiet because it was noon time, or lunchtime, and it is always very busy in the mornings because of long lines. After mailing it, I returned home to call Oscar Plan to tell them that I received the bill late this month, yesterday afternoon, and I ended up mailing it this morning, on its due date, which is rare for me. I told them to make a note of it so no one claims I didn’t pay for it, and they will start sending me annoyingly harassing letters.
The weather is very warm today. It feels like summertime today.
While at the UTC area, I noticed a long line, mostly comprised of young Asian women, next to a new store, Sangria’s Hello Kitty. This weekend is its grand opening at the UTC store. I might go browse inside on Saturday or Sunday, even though I haven’t bought Hello Kitty items since the 80s. Since there are many Asians in the area, and many go to UCI, the UTC now has Miniso and Hello Kitty stores.
Last month, while walking in the Woodbridge area with a walking group, I found this Hello Kitty pendant, probably for a keychain, on the ground. I decided to keep it as a good luck charm. I think the girl who lost it probably bought it from Las Vegas and her name starts with a D.

This evening, I have another walking meetup. I hope more people show up. That group is becoming boring.