Life is impossible without water, it is very important for the person to survive, and shortage of water in the body is the basic reason of many diseases. When there is a decrease of water in the body, thirst is felt, but it is not necessary If there is no thirst, the body does not need water rather than thirsting, the lack of water in the body is more dangerous. Here are some signs of water shortage in the body, which indicate that the body needs water, this process can be called ‘D-Hydration’ or ‘shortage of water’ in the body.
Bad breathing/ Dirty Smell :-

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The slab in our mouth plays an important role in digestive food, However, if the mouth does not produce slab or the mouth gets dry then it means that bacteria growing in your mouth, due to which the mouth smells, and it means there water decrease in the body. In some cases, humans do not feel thirsty sometimes, Therefore to keep moisture in the mouth and drink water time to time to meet the water shortage in the body.

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People drink less water, they are slightly nervous, mentally unhealthy than normal people and can not concentrate on anything more and such people are commonly not multitasking.
An investigation was conducted regarding water scarcity, In which 25 women were asked to participate voluntarily. All these women were given a lot of water one day and after this no water for two days, after which the mental health of these women was worse than normal humans, In addition to this, they also caused headache.

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When water intake decrease automatically your blood pressure become low, the reason for which the heart needs to work more hard to reach the blood body and another feeling of head pain feels when standing.In such case increase the water intake.
Feeling too tiredness :-

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After hard exercise, man feels very tired, because after exercise, not only reduces water in the body but also reduces the amount of glycogen in the body. glycogen is a type of glucose that is stored in human body and gives energy to the body when needed. So the effect of water shortages also occurs on glycogen, and its amount slowly decreases and man feels very tired.
In such a case the sweet things hearten food, so those who work very hard, those players, etc. They should increase the use of fruits and nutrients, in which amount of water is very high, these nutrients such as watermelon, grapes, Orange, and ghee, etc. do not decrease the amount of water in the body.
waoo nice useful tips!!!