
Spa Day

Tuesday, 8.17.21

At 9 am, I drove to a local repair shop to drop off my DKNY mules. I will pick it up and pay the amount tomorrow morning before I drive to the gym. I arrived at the CM Metro gym at 9:30am, and immediately noticed that the sauna and steam room are now open. So, I decided to hang out in the sauna and steam room today as well as take one class. Sauna and steam room are coed, near the swimming pool. 

I felt I had a 2-week hiatus from the gym because of Summer Olympics. It was interesting watching it. Now, back to my treadmill walking and maybe stationary bike, although I really need to ridy my bicycle outside as well as maybe take Gumby for a stroll in his pet stroller in the evening. 

I returned home and ate lunch. I noticed that I have another walking meetup this evening. I will probably walk around 5 miles. So far, 15 people signed up.


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