We come across various minor and major tragedies in our life. But, what if our expectation of better and easy life through technological advancement, act as a cure to mankind! What if technology starts halting our health and begins creating major health issues. Various technological innovations give remarkable advancements in healthcare over the years. No doubt, this advancement has devoted a plethora of benefits in different areas developing the healthcare facilities. Like the innovations of antiviral, anti-clotting drugs, antidiabetic drugs, antihypertensive drugs, vaccines, diagnostic imaging, joint replacement, pain management, joint replacement, and health information technology. Then we defiantly need to switch to a responsible and logical solution. Health Assessment is a long word with a positive perspective on healthcare technology.

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This system is a consistent evaluation of the core effects of healthcare technology, mainly concerning the negative effects of it. Beginning with the addressing the direct and indirect effects of technology further turning to the possible and logical decision, and finally ending with the public awareness for the problem and respective solutions. Providing the evidence to healthcare and medical technologies not the consideration of solutions but do contribute to clinical effectiveness, safety and security turning to social and budget-friendly outcomes for health technologies. It’s a balance between technology and healthcare. Bridging the gap between healthcare innovation and decision making, HTA is responsible for the proper functioning of the system. Social and Applied Sciences often experience enormous advancements and evaluative methods, HTA works on further enhancement and evaluation of these evaluative methods.
It’s a growing field to burn out the tension between the latest technologies and limited healthcare budgets. Inclusive, the advancement of technological products and pieces of equipment, such as drugs, medical devices, and surgical procedures, HTA is a multidisciplinary activity. It’s a good way to judge the technical performance, clinical efficacy, and safety, and risk assessment, cost-effectiveness, legal and ethical advancement including organizational implications. HTA needs to consider all important aspects of healthcare technology and bodies assuring healthcare. Any intervention supporting the growth of healthcare, prevention and treatment of diseases with rehabilitation and long-term care, is the part of HTA.
HTA is not a one-step process, but consist of various responsive steps:
1. Identify assessment topics
2. Specify the assessment problems or questions
3. Retrieve available relevant evidence
4. Generate or collect new evidence (as appropriate)
5. Appraise/interpret the quality of the evidence
6. Integrate/synthesize evidence
7. Formulate findings and recommendations
8. Disseminate findings and recommendations
9. Monitor impact
The HTA bodies are responsible for the consistency and transparency of these steps. Not all these steps are involved; the choices vary as per the HTA body. Experiencing the side effects of technology in chemical, industrial and agricultural processes gives a direct impact on health management. Ultimately, originating the need to give proper guidelines on this behalf for the betterment of our life. The various HTA bodies are allotted for maintaining the functioning and provision of the HTA guidelines. It is a responsible take which needs a positive and fair approach to meet the requirements of HTA. Any discrepancies in this process would not just utter the HTA body but give a strong influence on public health. We must appreciate the Health Technology Assessment(HTA) and its guidelines as it is directed to quantify the excessive use of new and expensive pharmaceuticals.