<a data-snax-placeholder="Source" class="snax-figure-source" href="https://pixabay.com/en/family-lover-adult-bedroom-1822498/" target="_blank" rel="nofollow noopener">https://pixabay.com/en/family-lover-adult-bedroom-1822498/</a>
I have come up with five reasons why she will never in a zillion years be interested in you.
Reason number one no confidence picture if you’re a lion chilling in the Sahara all of a sudden this lioness walks by your life but instead of letting out a mighty roar strolling up to her giving her a nip on the neck and letting her know yo mama, I’m the king of the jungle baby, but instead you avoid eye contact ship dilly squirm and get ready to all the sudden some more confident line comes up and gives her the lion business while you’re sitting there being awkward weird analogy I know but it boils down to confidence without it you’re doomed.
Reason number two you’re boring same conversation you do the same thing every day, there’s no excitement I’m not talking about you got to jump out of airplanes but there are some things that you can do as in breaking your own routine that are going to make you a lot more exciting.
Reason number three, you act like an asshole, I know there’s a lot of mixed information out there in terms of dating experts the whole push community I’m not saying I’m just saying that Wow, some rough stuff and all of your posturing and acting coy and acting like you’re not interested it makes you look like an asshole you’re incredible so knock it off and be yourself.
Reason number four you’ve got nothing to offer I’m not saying you’re a loser I’m just saying that you’re not really bringing anything solid or of substance to the table and I’m not talking about cash fast cars or anything like that being interesting being well-read being educated being somebody who somebody wants to hang out with because you’re awesome.
Reason number five you don’t take care of yourself-fitness you need to exercise and take care of yourself), dress with purpose with clothes that fit correctly and are wrinkle-free coordinated, and clean), grooming (hygienic, smells good, has radiating skin).
Thanks For Reading
Very informative post Nabi!
Okay Thanks TheOfficialAndrew
You’re welcome Nabi. You can also use NLP on a female if you’re clever enough. Have you heard of NLP?
wonderful post and interesting
Prince Fortune Jerry Umunna Thanks SIr
Excellent post and how true
thanks thanks thanks Vidocka
Nice interesting post, great work 🙂
Thanks Beatriz Martins