To avoid/prevent Abuse, the Victim/Potential Victim must be able to see what is happening in his life.
The ‘Bought Man’ , the one who marries the rich woman who ‘owns’ him, knows that he is a slave. He walks into the relationship aware that he lives where she chooses, goes where she demands, and obeys her.
His friends and family see it, know it, but don’t speak to it. They are aware that he is ‘hungry’ and that this woman is his meal.
In other cases, the man might realise, in early days, that something is not right. If he is strong, he can end the relationship before he becomes a victim. If he believes her lies about him ‘wearing the pants’ and being ‘in charge’ he has put the noose around his neck.
When he thinks she ‘needs’ him and that he has an ‘obligation’ to her and can’t ‘let her down’ he has tightened that noose.
Once the female abuser gets her fangs into the male victim, she is not letting go. And most male victims never realise it, allowing children and financial implications to bind him even further.
Realising it might be of some assistance to his mental strength, but escaping is difficult.
So many resign to the position.