Samantha called Tommy using Messenger. She knew he wanted her to get in touch with him not to talk or form a link, but to exercise ‘control’. To get her on the phone to burn her credit. For Tommy judged by money.
Samantha knew her son Tommy. She was aware there would be no resolution, no happy reunion. She knew she was going to be an exhibit in Tommy’s ‘zoo’.
But she called him, went through the first ‘water boarding’ in which this big fat middle aged man whined about his childhood, and she pretended to listen.
Her impersonation was accepted and Tommy requested she call tomorrow. Samantha did as requested.
This second call was problematic for Tommy.
Having used up all his ammunition yesterday he wound up in an actual conversation with his mother. This was not what he wanted.
He requested she call the third day and she did.
She got to see him behave in a totally apathetic manner, busy cooking and eating treating her as a picture on the wall.
Samantha totally expected that on the fourth day, she would call and he wouldn’t answer.