
After Abuse – 129

One of the ‘benefits’ of fully analysing the abuse you suffered is that you can help other people.

As you know the signs, as you can pick up the inferences, you can see when someone you encounter is a victim.

If you move fast, you might be able to save them.  Of course, you have to know how.

You have to know how it was done to you so you can see how it is being done to another.  

You might be able to alert that victim before she is destroyed.  Or help a victim escape.

Abuse has a pattern.    

If you see the Pattern;  how the Abuser makes the Victim feel weak and need him, how the Victim is segregated from friends and family, how the Victim thinks the abuse is her fault…

you might be able to set off alarms in the potential victim.


What do you think?

Written by jaylar

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