You need to reach a place where you don’t need to prove or defend or in any way respond to the attempts at abuse.
Many Abusers attempt to ‘recycle’ their previous victims. This happens when they are old or infirm or alone.
If you have gone through the analysis, reflection, comprehension, AND reached the stage of educated Indifference, this attempt fails.
It doesn’t fail because you cut off the Abuser or go through a long dialectic, it fails because you see through him/her as glass.
There are times Abusers make the attempt because they have something of value to offer. This is the ‘bribe’. It may be benefits you are entitled to, property, and opportunity, something valuable which the Abuser assumes you will shun because he is the one from where the information arrives.
You, if you are fully aware and in control, can take the ‘bribe’ in return for nothing.
If you are not aware, you will cut our own throat, much to the amusement of the abuser.
This is because there is often real benefit for the ex-victim to gain, but expecting a negative response, the Abuser is the one to offer.
thank you for reading and commenting on my post
that’s really a nice and meaning full post!!!!!!!!