as my POEM is wont to Say
The old Leprechauns Daughter
dances from the forest
down wind of my Way
A Shy lovely LASS she
is bold to Ask Me
to Dance with leaves
blowing from the Trees
to Visit MAGIC
of a poem from this Bard
on a Walk on the water
kind of Day
Walk on the water
add a rainbow today
Put in a Lake
or cliff and tower
swirling in the leaves
of a Poem That Believes

<a href="http://www.easyfreeclipart.com/dublin-ireland-clipart.html" target="_blank" rel="noopener">Source</a>
that runs from my Mind
to the mountains far Away
add in the Magic
and the lad or Lass
of your Dream
make a World
exactly as you
want it to SeemWalk on the water
the poem from the Bard
is a Real and as Hard
as a Diamond
is ready to Shine and Gleam