
This clerical employee owns the Federal Government

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They want to hit,

hit hard


and smile

but the game is long lost

and exposed they are

with written words

against their names;

they are only buying time

and sedate themselves

with foxy looking dour dimwitted games

that seem to hurt target

but are only digging

their own graves;

what they are defending

is not known

ego or self-respect

one never knows

(kick a monkey hard as it tries to steal your bread

and it doubles in pain but returns to steal and is then

kicked again and again.till it collapses yet it tries to steal..kinda scenario)

but prime culprit

is dancing without shame

knowing fully well

that the time is around

when for each omission

there would be

an unending scream

guy on target is tough

to get and to down

clerks on government


assuming ownership roles

just because they are grouped

and a cadre!


What do you think?

Written by Glower4

Glower is a writer cum poet who is a commoner endowed with uncanny gift of extreme and deep abstract thought resulting in astonishing written word.

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