
The Art of Sports Photography

Thursday, March 21, 2019

This evening, I attended another Canon workshop. Sports Photographer Jeff Lewis, who was a UCI graduate in Studio Art and Photography, talked about taking artistic sports photographs. It is all about having passion, persistence, and perseverance. He started at a park, taking action photographs of youth sports. As I listened to the photographer, I realized that my drawing skills and my photography skills are similar. I sometimes draw similar to the way I photograph.

Some important tips to consider:

428 lenses

Angle Finder C

Fisheye lens; (I did draw some scenes in my graphic novel in the form of fisheye, which also created depth and illusion).

50mm; 1.2L

Create layers in the photograph; (I did use this method in my graphic novel, but in drawing the scene. Layers create more dimension, and the illusion of 3D).

1 focus point

F8 and f11 in the studio

70 mm – 200 mm; 2.8L

Fisheye lens and f5.6

For group photos, consider f11, 1/250

For marketing purposes, use wide shot and crop

Edit in Photoshop

I took this photograph at Rodeo Drive in Beverly Hills, probably during the 90s. It was after I graduated from UCI, and I had decided to take a photography class at UCI for fun. This is the photo that I ended up enlarging. My mother is in the reflection. It was a film developing class, and I also learned how to develop my own colored film. I still enjoy using a film camera. 


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