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my mind
is not yours
or anywhere
birds fly
cats meow
dogs bark
so what
we chatter
a lot
like it or not
life is like that
my piano
your notes
her words
and cacophony
goes on
hitting ears
then neurons
is the mind tired
yes it does tire
and strain
stress a lot
we are not a bot
and sleep
we could sleep
and just expose
to noises
for 6/18
but reverse is true
in getting money
in our till
this struggle
this pain
all in vain
a glory
that comes at a cost
we realize
only when all is lost
ask a shimmering star
how it burned
for last 20 years of life
before it turned
into a ‘black hole’ !
So pushing me towards putting together poetry ; )
Really do not have that kinda influence yeah!