In writing articles, if the subject you propose to write allows, you can very well bring in a little bit of humor here and there. Time and again, humor is used to lighten the atmosphere or to simplify a point of view. However you have to ensure that you do not deviate very much from the subject taken. Getting your readers left with a desire to want more is possibly the best thing that your first article can make.
You can get a hold on your writing job to a speedy start by interviewing a celebrity who is considered as an authority on your subject. This can pave the way for you to write a whole lot of quality articles where you can interview other celebrities and authorities in the field. In case you are unable to interview a celebrity figure then you can very well write a profile about him which too can be received well.
In reality you can frequently find the profile that you write will be taken up and repeated on a lot of websites and in print media. The advantages here can be huge. At the outset you would have achieved success in establishing yourself with your new target. Your target group will naturally expect more articles from you. They will also start accepting your suggestions on a large number of associated products and offers.
The second thing is that publishers of article directories are prepared to look at authors who are well established. This is so, particularly, if the periodical in which your work appeared in the past with one of their names. The time involved in submission as well as publication in all these cases will be shorter at all times. Owners of websites are constantly in search of quality content for their websites and blogs.