Let us take this straight
understand now
and forever lest,
you remain
in drool of dreams
whipping sepia ream by ream
that you are a reject,
a pariah and a misfit
for us
and, simply speaking
we do not appreciate you at all
we are never gonna touch you
even with a barge pole
even if, in effort,
you dig the whole Earth
and fill it back
right now
you are only scheming
with a few people
which is also
about to crash
and break!
A very good hard hitting poem.
I was just trying to disperse some useless crowding around me ..lol
You did a very good job of getting rid of the useless crowding.
Oh I feel shatter today. I need to pick up my pieces and put myself back together.
LOL you are not serious here because you are not connected in any manner with the content after all…pun is fine!