
Recurring payment game

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I am not obligated to you

even by a single cent

however hard you may claim

having paid me big money

it’s all fake

and misrepresentation

and you are going

to be booked soon

big time

only on that account.

You relapse in this game

every third or fourth day

and when on the fifth,

we seek evidence of payments

and thus your fake obligations

you fizzle out like dead.

Let us set the facts straight

instead of paying us

you have looted

the system by millions

weaving games around us

no longer that would be tolerated

you would be shown to all

for what you are

a huge and vanilla fraud!

and if you are building other more lethal stuff(as believed in your cadre) on this premise….be confirmed that it is already collapsed. Instead of an obligated look you would get a resounding slap! You are spoiling my global reputation after all .


What do you think?

Written by Glower4

Glower is a writer cum poet who is a commoner endowed with uncanny gift of extreme and deep abstract thought resulting in astonishing written word.

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