
Really tough steps

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Hey you!

the ordinary in you stands out

so does the dishonest

so does the shallow

as you walk a client lad

by evening walk

as you hog subsidized eatables

in workspace eateries

like you would never ever get them

as you steal small money

as you pinch workspace


like diaries and calendars

and take them home

for private circulation

an ordinary face

an average body

with all of the above

your packing is



say much to that

in addition, you are

almost stricken by poverty

and lead a life

a day to another

and always looking

to make a killing

through paying clients

or a scam

(remember now you are caught in s scam)

so with a reality

like that

I guess

you should forget

good folks like us

if you do not

then we will have to take

really tough steps!

LOL this addressed woman calls herself a glorified member of a vampire group which she feels is INVINCIBLE


What do you think?

Written by Glower4

Glower is a writer cum poet who is a commoner endowed with uncanny gift of extreme and deep abstract thought resulting in astonishing written word.

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