
I finally Self-Published my Graphic Novel!

Friday, April 5, 2019

It was cloudy and windy all day, with occasional sunshine, but it felt cold. After one hour of yoga at the gym, I returned home to self-publish my graphic novel. There were some incompatibility issues. My graphic novel was created on MS Publisher, and I needed to make it a PDF. So, I went on Youtube to learn how to convert pub to pdf for the whole graphic novel. What would I do without Youtube? I have learned so much on that site? I also uploaded the covers and did the stem, as well as figuring pricing and production costs. I added an ISBN bar code on the last page of my graphic novel as well as on the back cover.

It is already available on for purchase. I bought a copy for myself, mostly to check out, as well as to carry it around with me for marketing purposes. It should arrive sometime next week. I hope it came out good. I am nervous. I need to work on other stuff now, such as marketing and distribution. I think it will show up on Barnes and Noble as well as Amazon, and other sites.

Here is my front cover, which I drew on Illustrator but saved it as a JPEG file so it would be easy to upload. I kept it simple so I wouldn’t have too much uploading issues.

The back cover is also simple..

I missed the first hour of the walking group meetup. But I decided to go to the 2nd half of the walk at 7 pm.

Get your copy at…


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