
Frivolous Today

Do visit here and get this book, admirable and LOL.if you have Kindle Unlimited then you can read this book for FREE now.

I am only relaxing a bit

your concerns are not erased

you roles as villains are not forgotten

we will get you rather soon

after we have relaxed after a sit

do not try to be smart

and talk a lot

keep quiet

and mind your business

and your life

papers are in the make

whether you leave or stay

there is nothing with you

that can barter your escape

so do not make noise

eunuchs et al

in a gang up

stealing money

and work careers

hammers await you

as does the law!


What do you think?

Written by Glower4

Glower is a writer cum poet who is a commoner endowed with uncanny gift of extreme and deep abstract thought resulting in astonishing written word.

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