I wrote a word play poem on the month of January, I believe, so here is two for as the title suggests.
F is for frosty,
E is for energy for Spring is getting closer,
B is for busy planning for leap year 2020,
R is for reading catalogs of seeds and plants,
U is for undertaking plans,
A is for actual blueprints of new garden spaces,
R is for realizing is it too early,
Y is for you doing what you do.
M is for marching closer to Spring,
A is for accumulating seeds and plants,
R is for researching growing seasons,
C is for caring for early plants,
H is for health for you, plantings, and others involved.
This two poems I took on some memories of childhood and remembered getting seed and plants and flower catalogs starting in February and then going outside to decide on places to plant them. I took a different track for these two poems.