
Valentino Announced Going FUR-FREE

Friday, 5.21.21

While I was on Linkedin, scrolling down the page and browsing, I noticed that many luxury fashion designer labels are going FUR-FREE. The latest is Valentino Fashion House, who have just announced they are going Fur-free, and they will be completely NO FUR by 2022. 

2 months after Alexander McQueen and Balenciaga announced they were going FUR-FREE. Valentino joins the rest of the fashion houses–Gucci, Prada, Armani, Versace, Michael Kors, Jimmy Choo, DKNY, Burberry, and Chanel. 

This means no more factory-farmed foxes or gassed minks for these designer labels. 

This is a first step for the fashion industry to go fur-free. Next step requires persuading certain countries to ban fur farming. It was already banned in UK by 2003. In 2019, California was the first state to ban fur sales. 


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