<a rel="nofollow" data-snax-placeholder="Source" class="snax-figure-source" href="https://www.1800flowers.com/gifts-personalized-winter-cookie-jar-155602?catEntryId=409423093&gclid=CjwKCAiA9K3gBRA4EiwACEhFewMBdbY0HnpSqVUP8z4oa3pVuAuLdb5ew0XIcQtdT4N-KvfNoooiTRoCljAQAvD_BwE&storeId=20051&cm_mmc=tagged-_-EmptyBannerCode-_-na-_-na" target="_blank">https://www.1800flowers.com/gifts-personalized-winter-cookie-jar-155602?catEntryId=409423093&gclid=CjwKCAiA9K3gBRA4EiwACEhFewMBdbY0HnpSqVUP8z4oa3pVuAuLdb5ew0XIcQtdT4N-KvfNoooiTRoCljAQAvD_BwE&storeId=20051&cm_mmc=tagged-_-EmptyBannerCode-_-na-_-na</a>
Now this was not the perfect gift last week, but this week it is because, of course, there’s a story. We have a family that requests a specific type of holiday cookie. They called and reminded me that they typically get them, oh about this time. I am not the one who made them so I had to dig through her stuff and find the one they described.
I had to go purchase the ingredients and the cream cheese had butter had to soften, so I sat them out and went on to other things. I returned and the items had been used for some kind of pancakes they decided to make while I was upstairs vacuuming. Since the store is twenty miles away and it was snowing I decided the cookies could wait.