Zelda began working at Martha’s shop and acted so grateful and sweet, working beyond her hours.
Zelda’s regime was to rise at 6 am, quietly go into the kitchen, make breakfast and do some cleaning.. When Dotty and Phil entered at 7, they would see her cleaning. She give them a huge smile, then run in to to make their bed.
She would then dress and leave, taking the bus to Martha’s shop.
It was three weeks after hiring Zelda that Martha noticed that almost she would find Zelda on the pavement when she arrived.
Martha told Zelda that she shouldn’t come so early and Zelda said that she had to get away from the house because there were so many chores she had to do.
The way she spoke made Martha think that Dotty and Phil were exploiting her.
Martha considered this for for two days.
There was an empty room above the shop. Martha had stayed there for some years. It was small and shabby, which is why she had moved to a nice little house.
Shea sked Zelda if she wanted to move in. Zelda seemed avid, asked to see it.
Zelda seemed amazed by it, and wanted it. Zelda told Martha that as she would live there, she would open and close the shop for her.
As Martha had worked for so many years without a break, the idea of being able to sleep later, leave earlier was winning the lottery.