My sister called to tell me about her dream. I am not certain how I feel about the whole thing, she sat up straight in bed, wide awake and very concerned.
We were in a vehicle with all of her grandchildren. We crossed several lanes of traffic and I was not wearing a seat belt, I always wear a seat belt. We wrecked and I went flying by and said “Sorry, you will have to take care of everyone by yourself.” She said I was not scared, but very calm. Then she said her son came out of nowhere and said “Yes, she is dead.”
My sister said that she thought I would be frantic. She could not get back to sleep. She was glad that I was not scared in her dream, but quite frankly, her dream freaked me out a little.
Question of
Should she have kept her dream to herself?
Question of
Should I find comfort in her dream?
Question of
Are dreams premontions?
You should thank to your sister, because when someone dreams about your death, she/he prolongs your life. 🙂
You shouldn’t worry about that dream. But just be cautious and never forget to wear your seatbelt.
Dreams can be a way of saying “Do not take life for granted”. But nightmares are basically something that was on your mind before you went to bed. Like I had a dream after seeing one of the “Damion” horror movies that my late dog Wimpy who was a mixed breed beagle was in one my dreams greeting me like I was his best friend.