
Wander project more Milwaukee…

After the food was served my wife and I split up. I was wandering around taking pictures (imagine that), and she wanted to play Bocce Ball. Not the real Bocce Ball as they play in many places, just a form of Bocce Ball that involved throwing your ball at the balls already out on the grass and knocking into them. Every time one of the participants hit another ball there were gales of laughter. Apparently, this group had often been together as children.

One of the boys went with my wife while the other stayed with Jakki and me. We wandered around outside looking at the trees and the apartment complex. It was the nice weather for the time of year. Much more comfortable than walking around outside in the summer. There is something about Wisconsin that always feels like home to me. I guess it is because I spent so many summers of my childhood, Teen and later adult years in the state.

My mother-in-law and father-in-law had a blast. They were talking to people about the various changes in the family. It is funny, as families age they lose people. As they return to gather, they tlak about the way things were when the people that had been lost were still around. As if creating nrew memories was hard or painful. There are so many ways you can celebrate the reality of a family. Family reunions though tend to e more memories of those who couldn’t attend!


What do you think?

Written by DocAndersen

One fan, One team and a long time dream Go Cubs!!!!!!!!!!!!!