
Wander project more of Milwaukee and the Reunion!

The family reunion in Milwaukee was interesting as it had a lot of firsts. There were a few members of my mother-in-law’s family I had not met before. I think the person I met that was the most interesting, was my mother-in-law’s twin sister. First off to meet June (my mother-in-law was Joan) was incredible. But to sit at a table as the two of them talked was beyond amazing. I am not sure either one of them took a breath while talking. Once. They just kept talking.

I also got to meet some of my wife’s cousins and other relatives. The event was held at my wife’s cousins apartment complex in the community building. The building was located next to the pool; it was a little too cold even to consider the pool. Although at times the noise in the community building was enough that the kids and I escaped to the pool area and sat quietly for a bit. Jakki and I talked to her grandmother, my mother-in-law and June for an hour or so. The boys were hanging out with their mother for most of that time. People talking to them made them nervous when they were little.

We then as I said, wandered out to the pool area for a time. When the din was lessened, we walked back to the community center through the doors. Our excuse was that we were looking at the pool. Since we had a pool in the backyard, it was a reasonable excuse. There wasn’t anything special about the pool, however, so when pressed we had to say just that. The only person that actually asked was my mother-in-law.


What do you think?

Written by DocAndersen

One fan, One team and a long time dream Go Cubs!!!!!!!!!!!!!