Monday, 10.11.21
It is a good thing I didn’t go to the gym this morning. At 10 am, someone knocked on my metal screen door, and it was the termite inspection. I thought it was for Tuesday. He checked the utility attic and garage, and he noticed some termite areas. He said they will be calling back to schedule a day and time for treatment.
I walked to the small post office to mail a bill. But when I arrived, I noticed it was closed because of Columbus Day, which really isn’t a holiday anyway. No wonder there were many kids hanging out in the UTC area, mostly loitering. I noticed that the Sangrio Hello Kitty store still had a line, but it was small today. I walked back home. The weather was nice anyway. I did some rearranging and reorganizing.
Since I have a walking meetup on Teusday, I will reschedule my home haircolor routine on Wednesday because I need the whole day. Anyway, my gray doesn’t really show with my recent haircut because the gray hairs growing out is at the crown, hairline and roots. It will show a little if I pull back my hair with a headband. I can actually wait until the weekend to color my gray. I will probably do it sometime this week, unless something else comes up.
I noticed a brochure from UCI for retirement planning. But they are charging $49 for registration of 2 2-hour workshops, which isn’t worth it because I am a UCI Alum, and it should be free for me anyway. I am not spending money on such workshops. Such workshops are about helping people, not taking advantage of people. The recent one at the restaurant by a financial consultant family was better.