Friday, 10.1.21
This week appears to be warm and sunny. Today, in particular, felt like summertime. This evening was warm, as well, but it is getting dark early, around 7 pm. I went to the usual Woodbridge walking meetup. Only 5 people showed up. I walked 4 miles and 11,013 steps. Then, I returned home. I checked my mailbox and I received a ticket for a retirement seminar/workshop I wanted to check out at a local restaurant. It’s this Monday evening. I have never heard of the restaurant, but I noticed from its website that it is vegetarian-friendly and gluten-free.
I noticed the indie channel is showing two Kubrick films tonight, Full Metal Jacket and Clockwork Orange. Maybe I will make some popcorn, relax, and watch these movies tonight.
I am considering browsing at the mall for any interesting events.