
The Best Cure For Your Cold

There are five amazing ingredients that you can use to get rid of your cold faster.

Ginger can help you get relief from congestion and pressure. The root itself has many healing properties. I use grated ginger in lots of different recipes. To get the benefit from it for your cold a good suggestion is to use it in tea. You can scrape off the skin and add it when brewing tea. It will be a bit bitter but you can add honey, lemon juice or cinnamon. If you prefer you can also brew tea with a little bit of grated ginger.

To have fewer colds it is advisable to take a garlic supplement. Garlic is very healthful and if you use it in recipes it will also strengthen your system. It is anti-bacterial and anti-viral. Fresh garlic will keep you feeling your best so you can even grate a bit in your salads or other foods.

Vitamin C has been known to help improve the immune system. Especially during the winter, you should look to include sources of this vitamin in your diet. Among them should be fruits and vegetable like oranges, grapefruits and leafy greens.

I have done this before but I can say it isn’t the most pleasant thing to do. However, it will help prevent upper respiratory infections. What is it? Gargling with saltwater. It also helps to reduce and loosen mucus in the throat.

The all-time superfood is honey. Make up a honey syrup instead of buying over the counter cough medicine. You will see that it will help to fight infection and will soothe membranes.

Finally and for this ingredient I think we can all give a cheer – chocolate. Cocoa has a chemical known as theobromine which has the ability to help your body fight of the symptoms of a common cold. It was discovered that this cocoa chemical could block the action of sensory nerves in those with a cold and thus stop the cough reflex.


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