
Walking in Mall with Style…

Monday, January 25, 2021

I needed to walk somewhere because of my need to walk daily to prevent poor circulation issues. Besides Woodbridge and Turtle Rock communities, I often go to the mall because I live in suburbia. There are three malls close by. Today, I went to South Coast Plaza and walked around two sections as well as MetroPointe outlet areas. According to my iPhone6 activity recording, I walked 5 floors, 2 miles, and 5,307 steps. It was very windy outside today. As I was driving home, I heard things hitting my car and windshield, probably debris or stuff from trees. I was afraid something will break my windows. 

I was dressed in a French style of denim leggings, blue and white striped blouse with red felt Monaco logo that I had bought from Monaco/Monte Carlo area at the French Riviera in 86, my aubergine J. Crew pea coat that I bought during the 90s from this mall, KL black beret with silver cat décor, KL black knit scarf and mittens with Karl and Choupette skiing logos, KL black ankle boots, and KL burgundy tote with huge bow. Also, my colorful peacock neck gaiter because this mall is an indoor mall. These mittens are very warm. I took them off a couple of times when I was indoors because my hands felt sweaty.

This reminds me of Breakfast at Tiffanys. But, in my cast, it is Afternoon at SCP.


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