The Optimist believed computers would increase knowledge. Many waxed lyrical about how everyone would have the same access to information.
Reality, however is different. Most people do not use the computer to look up facts, save if required for school or work. They use the computer to play games, watch movies, porn and unspeakable rubbish.
Most people are ignorant of the world around them so believe what they are told by the most persuasive speaker
As many are intellectually stunted, the most persuasive person is not the brilliant scholar, but the average guy who speaks in small words, repeats himself and tells them tiny bits that are easily absorbed without analysis.
Donald Trump has been a master of this kind of mental manipulation.
Not particularly intelligent, dishonest, predatory and prejudiced he has been able to control the minds of those who are incapable of rational thought.
Losing an election for a post he never ought have attained he behaves like the spoiled brat he is, throwing tantrums, spewing lies and trying to cause civil war.