In early days he and Marie would go to a little cafe up the road and meet with friends.
That ended after she had an episode.
They were sitting with Brian, Tasha, Rudy and Beth. Tasha was talking about an actual incident and Marie began bleating’;
“You’re too unfair! You are unfair! That is not Fair!”
Tasha and the others tried to insert reality but Marie wouldn’t shut up. Embarrassed, Gavin got up and walked away, leaving Marie.
Marie kept up her attack and Tasha and the others rose, went to their cars and drove away.
Marie was left on her own.
She didn’t cease her diatribe. The Cafe owner came out.
“Please be quiet.”
“Why should I be quiet? Why shouldn’t I speak out!”
One of the larger men, who accompanied the owner asked; “You want me to remove this?” pointing at Marie.
Marie suddenly realised she was alone and in danger. So shut up and walked away, mumbling.