In the previous article I mentioned a son calling a mother for documents she did not have.
If Trevor was a normal son and his relationship with his mother was the average there would be no reason to focus. But there is no normal relationship between Trevor and his mother, Selma. There never has been.
He blamed her for just about every single mistake he made, although none of them had anything to do with her.
If she had not appreciated this, if she had not gone over their history she would be dumped into a cess pool of pain.
But she knew he was Abusive. He was not that good at it.
Once he blamed her for a parking ticket. As she didn’t drive, didn’t tell him where to park, she was stunned by his demand she pay for the ticket.
While in a Mall she went to a jewellery store to look at pendents. He was blathering about her paying for the ticket. She interrupted, asking him which one he liked.
Trevor, so focused on the ticket, shrugged and continued the blather about the ticket. Selma did not laugh in his face.
She gave him the money for the ticket, and did not buy him a pendent.
Yes, the pendent was far more valuable than what she paid for the ticket, and her pocket was happy. However, what really pleased her was that she had uncovered his ‘secret’.