Unless one encounters an ‘enslaved’ man in the midst, it is difficult to conceive.
The term ‘hen pecked’ has often been used as a blanket to describe the man who is the target of his wife’s babbling attack.
To be present, to see the wife, mindlessly, going on and on about something, and the husband put in the position of walking out…(meaning if he ever comes back he’ll get a double dose) giving her a hard punch in the mouth, (violence which he would not perform) or being silent, compliant, and obedient.
Hence if the wife is a supporter of a political party he becomes a supporter. If she belongs to a church, he joins. If she leaves that church, he leaves.
In this way, she has no speeches to make.
The effect of this, of course, is that she controls whom he speaks to, and when.
If one is not on her ‘approved’ list then speaking to him is either done in secret, or not at all.
many men ‘sell’ themselves into this kind of a relationship so have to pay for it.
Men selling themselves to women for whatever reason has become more common today.
Very difficult situations, for sure…