There are men who are abused by their wives. The wives are not physical. They control the man’s mind. They do this to get what they want in such a manner the man thinks this is what he wants.
Some of these wives will make proclamations, use ridicule, some will be silent and withdrawn. How they play their husbands depends on what works.
Many men never escape, never realise that this job or house or involvement is not what he wants, it is what she demanded.
He does what she wants. He doesn’t appreciate this. He doesn’t realise that he is being manipulated. It may be years, decades, it may be after she dies or leaves him, that he realises that none of this is what he wanted.
There are cases in which he maintains his late wife’s ‘domination’ of him by continually doing what she wanted.
Unlike the female victim who escapes upon the death of her male abuser, the male victim perpetuates his own enslavement.