Tuesday, August 18, 2020
I started my day with 9 am Yoga at the Park. The weather was kind of humid but it was tolerable. Then, I returned home and decided to stay inside because it was 99 degrees fahrenheit outside. Around 2 pm, I took a refreshing nap. Then, I woke up and decided to get ready for the walking meetup at 6:30 pm. I made sure to take my water bottle along. 16 people showed up for this walking meetup. By 6:30 pm, the temperature was 74 degrees, which was nice because there was now some cool air. By 7:30 pm, I noticed it was getting dark, but with a nice neon orange sunset.
Halfway during the walking meetup…
Baby duckling and its mother…
Last weekend at 6 am, I took this sunrise snapshot from my backyard.
Red-Blue-Purple sunrise snapshot…
Brown rabbit at Woodbridge…
Today, I walked 4.6 miles, 11,329 steps, and 1 floor.
Another muzzle bites the dust…
I hang out at my computer until midnight, August 19, in which I am now 56.