
Wander project Seattle Washington (mostly coming in and leaving by Airplane!)

Seattle Washington is a city I’ve often visited in the past. Working for a company that was based in Redmond Washington for 15 years. That meant Seattle Washington was the nearest major airport. SeaTac is the airport (Seattle Tacoma) to Redmond. Of the pictures shared some are flying in or out of Seattle and images of clouds and mountains.

Over the next couple of days, I will share other images that wander further around Seattle. One of my favorite places to be, go in the Seattle area was my friend’s house in Duval. I realized the other day that I used to go to his house (and his wife’s house) that I always went there for fun and never really took pictures while I was there. It means I don’t have any pictures around from Duval Washington. I do however have lots of images of Seattle itself, Redmond and the area around Redmond.

Downtown Seattle is the place where there were a huge number of amazing restaurants. I loved Wild Ginger, Brooklyn and the Metro Grill. I spent many a weekend afternoon at the two sports complex’s just outside the core of downtown Seattle. Over the years I went to a Seahawks game, a Mariners game and did get to see the Soceer team play, prior to my not going to Seattle as often.

Anyway, enjoy the first blast of Seattle pictures!


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Written by DocAndersen

One fan, One team and a long time dream Go Cubs!!!!!!!!!!!!!

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