
God Will Exalt You Now! Prophesy from Jesus Christ!

Walk in obedience to all that the Lord your God has commanded you, so that you may live and prosper and prolong your days in the land that you will possess. Deuteronomy 5:33

Bible talks about prosperity only. There is no sign of poverty in Bible. God wants us to prosper only. He treats us like King and Queen. We are His Sons and Daughters. So, those who have treated you like a doormat, it is time to forgive them and put your trust upon the Lord because now He is going to exalt you to the new levels.

The new levels are those where you have never reached in your imagination too. The height of God’s love, no one has known it. We have no idea about the leap that is in the Lord’s love. He has not forsaken us anytime. He was always faithful to us.

Now, it is time to rejoice since you have cried enough in loneliness. It is time to have good fellowship, friends, spouse, children and beloved ones. It is time for love and no more of hatred. All this prophesy is going to happen from now in our life.

Forgive all those who treated you like a throwaway. Your boyfriend might have treated you the worst, but now, Jesus is going to treat you like a QUEEN. Receiving this prophesy, rise up and grow up high in the Lord. God has a very good and handsome life partner for you who will love you like never before. No one could love you as much as your beloved husband is going to do. Now, you are going to become a beautiful bride.

It is all over! Your tears, your cry, your pain, your loneliness and all the abuse that you had to go through in your life is now gone forever. Now there are new levels of happiness, honor and gratitude in your life. God has a wonderful and very beautiful plan for your life.

Do you receive is now in Jesus Name? Let’s say “Amen”.

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Written by puregrace

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