A local story abounds as to the origins of the name of “Tulgao”. Where it goes that in the days of yore, a great flood struck the Atanchan Valley which submerged everything but Binulawan and Sumangchil mountains. During the said flood, a young man, by the name “Tu-ur” and his pet dog were swept by the strong water currents to Mt. Sumangchil. The first night in the mountain upon the bamboo raft, the young man saw fire in Mt. Binulawan. He sent his dog to get a stick and never returned; still, the fire is on a nearby mountain.
In the modern days, the Tulgao had been changed its territory. The reason behind the political subdivision of mother Barangay Tulgao traces its way back to early 1987 when Governor William F. Claver appointed Marcelino Eyabang as Barangay Captain. This move led to strong objections by the constituent populace, eventually, the governor requested for an election to resolve the issue. Mr. Salvador Bagay emerged as an election winner and duly sworn in the office but the appointed refused to step down. A dialogue was conducted and the political positions were filled-up through the division of Barangay Tulgao into two: East and West.
Despite the separation of Barangay Tulgao, the culture and practices are still being practiced in accordance with old history. The untouched natural resources were continued to preserve by the local tribes. The only transportation accessible to reach Tulgao by riding a motorbike. You might be surprised how the motorbike can accelerate to the steep of the mountain. But it is possible with a bit of excitement for first time tourist. However, it is the scary moment when riding the motorbike going down the mountain trail. The feeling is like riding a roller coaster. I am not sure if you will enjoy that fun.