Congratulations on your decision of taking the GMAT examination. This means you are ready to showcase your most relevant skills and prove that you are serious about business school. Every one of us has got a sure-fire way to fare well in the GMAT exam or so it seems if you read hundreds of websites, blogs and articles related to GMAT exam preparation. You need to scan the first one or two articles and you will feel confident in your ability to achieve a good score but by the thirtieth article with the different approach in it, you may be overwhelmed.
Mentioned below is a checklist to find your winning approach to the GMAT examination.
- Understand the fundamentals of GMAT examination – Before selecting your approach towards gmat preparation for the examination, learn everything about the exam. Realize the purpose of the test and the topics that are to be tested. Make a thorough research on the test structure like computer adaptive testing and exam guidelines. Now carefully figure out how others have prepared, not to copy them but to know the available resources and the common test drawbacks.
- Set targets for your GMAT exam – By keeping a personal goal will keep you motivated and keep you focused throughout your preparation process. If you have determined to achieve a certain GMAT exam score as your aim, then try to take a practice test to find out whether your goal is realistic and what efforts are needed to achieve it. You can make your own time based goals like taking the test on a specific date or activity-based goals like completing a certain number of practice problem each week. This goals will enable you to be exited and on the track.
- Imagine the perfect learning environment – When you are thinking about the gmat preparation and studying for two to six months prior to exam, determine what is needed to be successful. Find out the characteristics of your ideal learning environment to guide you when you look into various test preparation options.
- Research test prep options – You can prepare for GMAT exam in three primary methods like studying on your own, taking a course or employing a private tutor. Some of the candidates prefer to make use of more than one method. Take for instance, a candidate working with a tutor may use self-study methods between sessions and another candidate primarily studying on her own may use materials form a formal test prep course. Learning more and more about the subject deeply will enable you to score good marks and align you with the perfect learning environment.
- Take stock of your resources – The gmat preparation takes time and money, the two of which are the most limited resources. Take into consideration the amount of money you can invest on gmat exam preparation. Determine your ideal learning environment and test prep options and you can adjust these on the basis of your financial and time constraints. You may prefer to have a private tutor but you cannot afford to have a tutor for twelve weeks so you can alternatively have a course with a very strong instructor who will teach you on hourly basis so that you can access periodically.
- Evaluate your final options very closely – Consider tutoring or course and evaluate the specific instructors for experience and find out how much they would support you when you are struggling with a concept and energy to keep you engaged when you have worked the whole day.
- Develop your GMAT exam study plan – Whatever method of study you use make sure that you create your own study plan and incorporate it in your course of study. The plan should build in accountability measures to keep you on track and you access your progress at regular intervals.
- Resolve to succeed on the GMAT exam – Your ability will surely help you in succeeding the GMAT exam.